Archive List for CBT


The Best Books Written By David D Burns

When it comes to cognitive therapy, We need to remember David D. Burns. He left many great books. He helps us by his kind words full of humanity. Here are some recommendations from David D. Burns’ cognitive therapy book. It’s full of useful tips for those who want to live a happy life. 01.Feeling Good: […]

Everyone Worries In The Same Way

Recently, I often hear the worries of people around me and I have something to think about. It means that all the worries are almost the same. Like, “Didn’t you complain about that the other day?” or “I was complaining about the same thing last year.” I sometimes feel that way. If I’m like that, […]
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3 Steps To Get Out Of A Negative Spiral

We know what the downward spiral is. It’s more than terrible. We have to protect our mental health from the downward spiral. So how can we stop it and reverse the lower mood? The secret is the mind-body connection. This article is how to get out of a negative spiral. You can break the cycle, of course. […]

Take A Rest And Stand Up

Now you may be tired or your mind is worn out. But this time, you just worked a little too hard. The human body is honest. You need to take a break for a while after hard work. Just as there is no such thing as rain that never stops falling, there is no such […]