Communication is like a game of catch. A ball thrown at each other is a conversation. Everyone has the same desire to deliver the intended message.
There is no day when we don’t communicate in our work. Technically, business communication has its purpose. The goal of business communication is to achieve the final goal by repeatedly playing catch with each other and building up mutual agreement one by one in the process.
So, how can we throw a ball that the other person can easily catch? And how can we catch the other person’s ball? In this article, we would like to introduce some basic communication tips, using the image of catching a ball.
As a radio host, Celeste Headlee has engaged in more than her fair share of discussions, and she has thought a lot about ways to bring out the best in a conversational counterpart. One thing she li…
01.Throw a ball at a time
Keep your message simple and focus on one thing.
If you throw too many balls at once, the other person won’t be able to catch them. Listeners don’t know how to prioritize and understand when they receive a large number of messages at the same time.
Breaking down your message to one will improve your communication.
02.Throw a ball each other
Catch-ball is a game of two-way exchange of balls. It is the same in communication.
A conversation exists when there is a speaker and a listener. If you keep talking when the other person is not listening, it is not communication.
Let’s call the other person to the conversation ground first.
03.It needs a playball call
No game can start suddenly. A game requires a start signal.
One of the best business techniques is to start with a conclusion, but some people mistakenly believe that this means speaking suddenly. If you speak to someone suddenly, you will only startle them. Don’t start communication without considering the other person’s situation. It’s just like when someone suddenly throws you a straight fastball, but you can’t catch it because you’re not ready for it.
The first step in communication is to get the other person ready to listen, and then start communicating.
職場の人間関係がうまくいかない、というのは誰しもが抱えやすい悩みごと。しかし”職場づくり̶ …
04.Throw a easy ball
It’s hard to catch a fast curve ball, and easy balls are easy to catch.
The same is true of conversation, which is simple and easy for the listener to understand by using words that are easy for anyone to understand.
Saying a message in a way that is easy for the other person to accept will create a mutually satisfying conversation.
05.We need signs
It is easier for the receiver to catch the ball if he knows in advance what kind of ball is coming next. We usually don’t declare “Fast ball!” when we play catch-ball. We just swing. Filling in this omission properly will lead to a smooth conversation.
In our communication as well, we tend to omit the premise words. What are we trying to talk about now? What is the purpose of our conversation? What goal are we trying to achieve, and how to do it?
Clarifying each other’s unspoken understandings beforehand will help to communicate in a pleasant way. Just like playing catch with a ball, communication is supposed to be a pleasant experience.